The sci.async
namespace offers async evaluation for ClojureScript. This is
work in progress. Please try it out and provide feedback.
Difference with the synchronous evaluation in sci.core
(ns ...)
forms are evaluated asynchronously - loading can be configured
via the :async-load-fn
can be made async using scia/require
, see Require.Code examples below use promesa to make working with promises more convenient.
(ns example
(:require [promesa.core :as p]
[sci.async :as scia]
[sci.core :as sci]))
(defn async-load-fn
[{:keys [libname ctx]}]
(case libname
(let [mlns (sci/create-ns 'my.lazy-ns)
lazy-greet (fn [x] (str "Hello " x "!"))
lazy-ns {'lazy-greet (sci/new-var 'lazy-greet lazy-greet {:ns mlns})}]
(sci/add-namespace! ctx libname lazy-ns)
;; empty map return value, SCI will still process `:as` and `:refer`
(def ctx (sci/init {:async-load-fn async-load-fn}))
(def code "
(ns foo (:require [my.lazy-ns :refer [lazy-greet]]))
(lazy-greet \"Michiel\")
(p/let [result (scia/eval-string* ctx code)]
(println result)) ;; prints: "Hello Michiel!"
In this example we lazy load a namespace into the SCI context. Note that the
functions mapped in this namespace may come in asynchronously e.g. via an http
request. The :async-load-fn
is used to process the (:require ..)
part of the
form. In our implementation we use sci/add-namespace!
to mutate the SCI
context and then we return an empty map indicating that SCI will process :as
and :refer
for us. This can be prevented by return a map with :handled true
like in the below example.
Additionally supported return values:
:source "..."
, CLJS source to be evaluatedBy default require
is synchronous in SCI. The sci.async
namespace contains
an asynchronous require
which can be substituted in a context:
(ns example
(:require [promesa.core :as p]
[sci.async :as scia]
[sci.core :as sci]))
(def async-load-fn (fn [{:keys [libname]}]
(case libname {:source "(ns (defn the-fn [] :hello)"} {:source "(ns (defn the-fn [] :bye)"}))))
;; Substitute scia/require for clojure.core/require:
(def ctx (sci/init {:namespaces {'clojure.core {'require scia/require}}
:async-load-fn async-load-fn}))
(p/let [res (scia/eval-string* ctx "(require '[ :as foo]) (foo/the-fn)")
_ (assert (= :hello res))
res (scia/eval-string* ctx "(require '[ :as bar]) (bar/the-fn)")
_ (assert (= :bye res))])
Like the ns
form, a top level require
is handled as if it happened
synchronously: the next expression is scheduled after the require finishes.
SCI does not limit require
to occur at the beginning of a file, it may be used
anywhere, as long as the result is visible as a top level value:
(ns foo)
(+ 1 2 3)
(require '[some.lazy-ns :as slns])
(when (odd? 3)
(require '[some.other-lazy-ns]))
NOTE: the below code can be replaced by using
from SCI > 0.6.37. See docs.
(ns example
[clojure.string :as str]
[goog.object :as gobject]
[promesa.core :as p]
[sci.async :as scia]
[sci.core :as sci]))
(defn async-load-fn
[{:keys [libname opts ctx ns]}]
(let [[libname suffix] (str/split libname "$")]
(case libname
(p/let [js-lib (p/resolved #js {:add +
:subtract -
:multiply *
:default *})]
(let [js-lib (if suffix
(gobject/getValueByKeys js-lib (.split suffix "."))
munged (symbol (munge libname))]
;; register class globally in context
(sci/add-class! ctx munged js-lib)
(let [{:keys [as refer]} opts]
(when as
;; import class in current namespace with reference to globally
;; registed class
(sci/add-import! ctx ns munged as))
(when refer
(doseq [sym refer]
(let [prop (gobject/get js-lib sym)
sub-libname (str munged "$" prop)]
;; register sub-library globally
(sci/add-class! ctx sub-libname prop)
;; add import to sub-library in current namespace
(sci/add-import! ctx ns sub-libname sym))))))
{:handled true}))))
(def ctx (sci/init {:async-load-fn async-load-fn
;; async require override
:namespaces {'clojure.core {'require scia/require}}
;; allow JS interop globally
:classes {'js goog/global :allow :all}}))
;; allow printing
(sci/alter-var-root sci/print-fn (constantly *print-fn*))
(def code-1
(ns example (:require [\"some_js_lib\" :as my-lib :refer [subtract]]))
[(my-lib/add 1 2) (subtract 3 2)]
;; Library property namespaces:
(def code-2 "
(require '[\"some_js_lib$default\" :as awesome])
(require '[\"some_js_lib$add\" :as add])
[(awesome 3 2) (add 4 5)]
(p/let [result (scia/eval-string* ctx code-1)
_ (println "Result:" result) ;; [3 1]
result (scia/eval-string* ctx code-2)
_ (println "Result:" result) ;; [5 9]
In this example we simulate loading a JavaScript library asynchronously. In
practise the library could come in via an asynchronous HTTP Request, etc. but
here we just simulate it by returning a promise with JavaScript object that has
a couple of functions. In the async load fn we register the JS library as a
global class in the context and as an import in the current namespace. The
:handled true
key/value in the return value indicates that SCI will handle :refer
and :as
, because we already did that ourselves in the async-load-fn
In the code-2
fragment we use library property namespaces. These were
introduced in ClojureScript 1.10.844
. You can read about that
We support that in async-load-fn
by splitting the libname on $
and getting
the properties out of the JS library, then registering that as a class and
To preserve namespace state, use scia/eval-string+
which is similar to
but returns a map with :val
and :ns
in a promise. To
keep the namespace state of the previous evaluation intact, you can feed the
entire return value back into the next evaluation:
(p/let [ctx (sci/init {})
{:keys [_ ns] :as ret} (scia/eval-string+ ctx "(ns foo)")
_ (is (= "foo" (str ns)))
{:keys [val ns]} (scia/eval-string+ ctx "(defn foo [] :hello) (foo/foo)" ret)
_ (is (= :hello val))
_ (is (= "foo" (str ns)))
;; no passing of previous state: ns is back to user again:
{:keys [val ns]} (scia/eval-string+ ctx "(defn bar []) (symbol #'bar)")
_ (is (= 'user/bar val))
_ (is (= "user" (str ns)))])